Monday, May 13, 2013

Killer Cows

Today started off like any other day. We woke up, made breakfast, and then proceeded to hike. It was a chilly one due to wind and the 53 degree high for day. It was an easy eight mile hike to Boiling Springs, PA. We grabbed dinner/lunch at this pizza place and got back on the trail. For eighteen miles today we hiked in the Cumberland Valley, which basically means that we hiked through farm after farm taking in the wonderful scenery that Pennsylvania has to offer. We ended up having to hike past dark today in order to make it to the shelter where we are sleeping. Just as the sun started to go down we noticed the trail passes through a pasture where many bulls are hanging out. I thought it was a little strange that the trail would lead us through there, but was not that alarmed at first. As soon as we got over the fence I could tell that these cows were not the nice cows you see in movies. They were demon cows. They were blocking the trail so we slowly approached while talking softly and nicely, but they didn't appreciate the gesture. They all started walking towards us, and this was when I knew it was going down. There were probably about 50 cows in all. We kept walking and as we walked they followed. Some of them started to charge but as they got close we would yell at them and act tough. They were all talk. The bulls would get scared and then several more would come charge us. This process continued for about 200 yards until we were out of the field. When we left they were all gathered around the fence as to say, "we showed you". Luckily we made it out alive, and really that's all you can ask for. Chase and Chastan, one... Cows, zero.

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